We're here to keep you out of pain and living life to the fullest!

Award For Best Chiropractor in Winston

What people really are looking for is a doctor who listens and has the expertise to get to get to the bottom of the problem.

Dr. Foster Portrait

Dr. Leah Foster

That’s the standard we set for our clinic. Our goal is to always be focused on the overall quality of care in every aspect. Too often patients bounce around from one clinic to the next, always suffering from the same ailments without ever getting any true resolution. We want to make sure we get to the bottom of what is really going on. That requires not only having the most up-to-date knowledge of current Medicine and Chiropractic but a devotion to sitting down and hearing the patient.


We're not your standard Medical or Chiropractic office! Our office and care is designed to be comfortable and relaxing. We want to take the anxiety out of visiting the doctor and for you to feel treated like family. This is reflected in everything from the atmosphere of our clinic to the doctor herself. She prefers to be as involved and focused on the patient as possible, not just seeing you for a couple minutes after you wait endlessly. The Doctor's "white coat" hangs in her exam room, not on her. She will talk with you personally and keep you informed of what is going on with your health in a down-to-earth way you can understand. With her expertise, she can identify and help you get the best possible care. If we discover other health issues, we will make sure you get referred to the help you need. Your health and well-being is our top priority!


We’ve Got
your Back!

The experience you get when expertise meets quality of care that focuses on the individual person


Come See Us For

Pain Affects Us All

Injury Rehabilitation
and Pain Relief

Dr. Foster is well trained in the latest techniques from Parker University, one of the most prestigious chiropractic schools in the world and has a diverse, in-depth knowledge of many medical conditions and. She is devoted to helping you get better as quickly, painlessly and affordably as possible.  

Injured in a car wreck?

We treat injuries through car wreck injury claims and work with the insurance for you on your behalf.

A Healthy Family is a Happy Family

Health and Wellness

If you want to be all that you can be on every level, physically, mentally, and emotionally, Dr. Foster will be there to help you to achieve your personal best. Whether nutritional advice or diagnosing recurring ailments and how to fix them, we've got you back!

High performers and athletes need dedicated care that focuses on specific problem areas to help keep you out of pain and doing what you love. Treat your your body with the respect and attention it needs to perform at its best and keep your body moving like it was meant to for years to come!

Dr. Foster Has Healing Hands

Pain Free Care and
Gentle Treatment Options

Besides being able to skillfully perform traditional techniques in a smooth, pain free approach, Dr. Foster also is proficient with the Activator, a soft adjusting tool. This technique is used either for when the situation calls for it in general, or simply when a patient is afraid of more traditional Chiropractic techniques. If you've ever needed relief but have been too afraid to try, talk to Dr. Foster about your specific concerns. She's always willing to work with you to ease your mind so that you can get the help you need!


If you’re looking for a Doctor who listens, is extremely knowledgeable of current Medicine and Chiropractic, who utilizes the most up-to-date, modern techniques, and who makes suggestions and honors your health goals, give our practice a call today! 

Vitamins from Standard Process
  • We provide high grade vitamins from Standard Process, which are high potency and only available through a licensed provider. We can go over specific symptoms you’re having and diagnose a good treatment option.

  • Dr. Foster consults with parents to detect and correct little problems before they become serious. Early development is when children need the most support.

  • Dr. Foster is proficient in Webster technique and treats pregnant women to help them have smooth, healthy pregnancies and births.

We take great pride in providing the finest chiropractic wellness care to our patients. We offer spinal corrections using advanced chiropractic techniques. Today's most modern methods utilized at our clinic provide greater help and expertise than ever before. These new correction methods are safer, more comfortable, and more effective. Dr. Leah Foster is a trained Doctor with years of experience in spinal adjustments.

Multiple Techniques

Dr. Foster utilizes several different types of adjusting that she alternates between to best suit each patient's body and situation. Everyone's body is unique, and therefore each needs specific care! Dr. Foster has the training to see to your individual needs, including fears with regards to chiropractic treatment and being adjusted. We don't need this to be painful or scary!