Dr Foster Portrait

Dr. Leah Foster is a Winston Salem chiropractor serving the Triad and the surrounding communities in North Carolina.  She graduated from Parker University with a Doctorate of Chiropractic.  She also has three Bachelors of Science degrees from extensive studies; specifically in Biology, Anatomy, and Wellness.  She focuses on general wellness and rehabilitation, from newborn babies to the elderly.

Dr. Leah Foster opened Life Abundant Chiropractic with the intent to offer the best possible care with a clinic that meets her own high standards. With an emphasis on modern, effective chiropractic, from the time you walk through the front door, she wanted you notice the calm and peaceful atmosphere and stress free environment. She wanted to create a clinic where patients felt valued and small problems wouldn't be overlooked because the doctor was too distant to properly listen to the patient.  

Dr. Leah partners with local clinicians and hospitals to ensure her patients always receive the highest level of care and are referred to the right specialists when necessary. She’s committed to creating an environment where patients feel comfortable and trust the clinic to be a primary care provider. To stay at the forefront of her field, Dr. Leah continues her education in areas ranging from neurology to disease management, always striving to provide the latest knowledge and give patients peace.

Dr. Leah Foster uses chiropractic care to improve the health and wellness in all areas of patient's lives, whether they are having problems with back pain or neck pain, are trying to get their body in top shape like athletes, or just want to start feeling better when they wake up in the morning.  Dr. Foster takes a "whole person" approach in chiropractic care, which means looking for the underlying causes of disease, discomfort, and pain, as opposed to just treating the symptoms. Many seemingly unrelated symptoms often arise from imbalances in the spinal column or nutritional deficiencies, and Dr. Foster will be able to determine the root of the pain and create a personalized chiropractic and wellness plan to suit each patient's individual needs. Under her supervision and care, patients report higher functioning in all areas of their lives. 

No single treatment for a specific ailment is applied to all patients. Dr. Foster prides herself in utilizing several different types of adjustment techniques that she alternates to find out what best suits each patient’s body and situation.  Treatment is interactive, so you can express concerns about the different styles of treatment anytime.  Dr. Leah Foster is well versed in many techniques, including extremely gentle ones for those more afraid of the more commonly associated with chiropractic. She practices Webster technique and treats pregnant women to help them have smooth, healthy pregnancies and births.

But what will always make her standout to her patients is her compassionate, positive, and gentle style which they experience with each and every visit.


A Photo of Oklahoma


The sunsets are amazing

Dr. Leah Foster comes from a small town in rural, Western Oklahoma where she was exposed to medical professionals with a father and grandfather who were both dentists.   She loved to read and was constantly taking in new books with complex ideas and theories, all of which continued to push her interest in both the sciences and arts. She also took a great interest in and participated in things like theater, speech and debate, art, and ballet.  Unique scientific concepts fascinated her such as multi-dimensional theory.  At the same time loved to perform in front of people.  

Upon starting college, she truly finally decided to pursue medicine. (Though she continued to act in several plays as well as procured a minor in Art during her Bachelors.) Unsure what field of medicine she wanted to go into, she started pre-med with a Bachelors in Biology.  While her father was a dentist, she had never really been as interested into going into dentistry herself.  What first drew her interest was either being a MD or Optometrist.  She had begun to lean optometrist, since she had a lot of trouble with her eyes focusing as a youth and felt she could help people like herself.  She had almost reached the point of entering one or the other, having taken the required tests and began touring several schools as options.  However, she suddenly made a decision to pursue something she had never planned until then. 

Car Wreck Photo

About one year before making this decision, Dr. Foster had been treated by a chiropractor for horrible whiplash after being in a hit-and-run accident.  It was not her first time to see a chiropractor.  Still, a few things changed at this point.  Being fresh exposed again to the health benefits of chiropractic care after the car accident stuck with her.  She was surprised to notice while undergoing treatment, was that a lot of other ailments she had been experiencing that were unrelated to her whiplash started to be better and go away as well as the neck injury. In fact, her overall well-being was enhanced by the experience.  But possibly more important to her eventual decision to pursue the field, at the time she discovered that you did not have to be a physically tall and strong man to be one.  A new doctor who had joined the practice whom was a young, petite woman even smaller in stature than she was.  

Saved Corgi Puppy

I had a full recovery!

Thanks to that chiropractor!

And her final push into the field came from what happened with her dog Sakura.  Shortly after her car wreck, she came home one night to find Sakura paralyzed on the right side of its body.  She and her husband feared the worst, but it so happened a teacher at her university mentioned an animal chiropractor about an hour away.  She decided to give it a try and took Sakura to see the doctor.  To her amazement, immediately after the doctor adjusted her, Sakura instantly was able to sit back up.  She was still unable to do more than sit up, but following each treatment Sakura regained a bit more.  This was an experience that would stick with Dr. Foster just as much as the healing she received herself.

With this new awareness and interest in the field, Dr Foster went to visit one of the most prestigious chiropractic schools in the world, Parker University in Dallas, TX.  Through her tour, she learned more about the specifics of treatment and became more excited with the possibilities.  You could call it a passion...or a calling.  But she had never quite felt this amount of pull to go into a field before.  Before she knew it, she had not only interviewed at that school but begun classes as well.

Parker University

Parker University

Dallas, TX

After she graduated from Parker University, Dr. Leah Foster decided that moving to North Carolina was the right choice for her and her husband.  They had discovered the quality of life here when visiting her father, whom had moved out several years ago with his dental practice.  She worked in Boone, NC as well as the Triad practicing under other doctors until finally deciding, when opportunity arose in 2015, that it was time to start her own clinic in Winston Salem.  Since then, she has had been so happy to be so warmly welcomed by local residents and groups and to be a part of the local community.  She enjoys attending events or businesses to give free health screenings, helping out through local organizations such as Rotary and the Chamber of Commerce, or volunteering at events like races to tape and give treatment to runners.  


Fun Photos